Climate for Peace: Launch of the Climate, Environment, Peace and Security Declaration and Initiative

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Climate for Peace: Launch of the Climate, Environment, Peace and Security Declaration and Initiative
When: 11 October 2022 | 10:45-12:00
Format: Opening Ceremony (Fishbowl Discussion) This session will be livestreamed
Venue: Plenary session
The aim of this event is to launch the Climate for Peace Initiative through a discussion of its purpose, sharing examples of proposed and committed actions under the initiative, and proposals for priorities and modes of engagement. Through a dynamic fishbowl set up, the moderator will present speakers with three rounds of questions. Each speaker will be allocated two minutes. Answers are expected to be conversational, not as speeches.
- H.E. Suzi Carla Barbosa, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guinea-Bissau
- H.E. François Bausch, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of Luxembourg
- H.E. Patricia Danzi, State Secretary and Director-General, Agency for Development and Cooperation of Switzerland
- H.E. Michel-Stéphane Bonda, Deputy Minister of Environment of Gabon
- H.E. Khadiija Maxamed Al Makhzoumin, Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Somalia
- H.E. Hassoumi Massoudou, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Niger
- H.E. Aibek Moldogaziev, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan
- H.E. Jennifer Morgan,State Secretary & Special Envoy for International Climate Action, Federal Foreign Office, Germany
- H.E. Jan Lipavský, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic
- H.E. Eamon Ryan, Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications and Minister for Transport of Ireland
- H.E. Erling Rimestad, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway
- H.E. Johanna Sumuvuori, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland
Moderated by Michael Werz, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress & Co-director of
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