Water, Peace & Security: Data driven tools for fragile contexts
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Water, Peace & Security: Data driven tools for fragile contexts

When: 6 October 2023 | 13:15 - 14:15

Format: Panel discussion

Venue: Weltsaal

Competition over water resources is on the rise in many countries. Together with other water-related challenges, such as natural disasters or water pollution, this has direct and indirect impacts on people’s lives and livelihoods, social cohesion and governance. With competing interests around water, grievances can occur, conflicts can strike and violence can erupt.

The Water, Peace and Security (WPS) partnership was established in 2018 to address these challenges and turn them into opportunities for resolving conflict and peacebuilding. Since then, a variety of tools, approaches and services have been developed and implemented in Iraq, Mali, Kenya, and Ethiopia. This is complemented by work at the global level on developing data-based tools for early warning and analysis of water-related security risks. The WPS partnership also seeks to build capacities and support dialogue to address water-related conflict and promote conflict sensitive water management.

This session explored the following through expert inputs and open discussion:

  1. How can the WPS toolbox can be applied in fragile contexts to address conflicts over water resources and manage, monitor and mitigate water-related security risks?
  2. What local to global links are necessary for water-related security risks to be a starting point for peaceful cooperation
  3. What can the climate and water security communities learn from each other?


Moderated by Laura Birkman, Head Climate and Security Programme, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies

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