Enlisting expertise: Exploring the climate security gap in peace operations
When: 6 October 2023 | 14:30 - 15:30
Format: Roundtable discussion
Venue: Breakout room 2 (Adenauer-Saal)
Understanding how climate change creates risks and opportunities related to local conflict dynamics and international assistance implementation are core competences for all actors engaged in peace operations. Climate security expertise has become a crucial proficiency but the demand for expert staff is not being met by deploying organisations and calls for qualified applicants do not garner sufficient response. Climate experts and peace and security experts still tend to work in separate domains, with a bridging required to find and keep staff with the necessary capacities.
This roundtable session, hosted by the Crisis Management Centre (CMC Finland), Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) and Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF), looked into what expertise is needed, exploring ideas for how to find, train, and deploy the best personnel to the field. A variety of stakeholders from deployment agencies, national governments, international organisations, and personnel on missions discussed what has been working so far and advise on best practises going forward.
- Johanna Lauritsen, Environmental Coordinator, Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC)
- Caroline Gårdestedt, Environmental Advisor, European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM Georgia)
- Dr. Elizabeth Carabine, Climate Security Advisor, Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary General to the Horn of Africa, UNEP
- Emma Hakala, Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA)
Moderated by Tobias Pietz, Deputy Head Analysis, Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF)
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