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Spotlight on the USA: A conversation on USG action for Climate and Environmental Security

When: 11 October 2022 | 13:35-13:55

Format: Thematic input

Venue: Breakout session

Climate security discussions have evolved quickly, and policy makers, development practitioners and civil society are trying to keep pace with our enhanced understanding of the ways in which the impacts of, and responses to, climate change alter the socioeconomic and geopolitical systems that affect peace and security. With the recent passing of the Inflation Reduction Act – the single biggest climate reduction package in US history and USAID’s Climate Strategy 2022-2030, USG is well poised to reflect on how to work effectively across-government to ensure domestic, diplomatic and development efforts are coordinated to address overlapping and compounding risks.


  • Stephanie Epner, Special Advisor and Acting Senior Director for Climate and Energy Directorate of the National Security Council
  • Monica Medina, Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs of the United States

Moderated by Hon. Sharon BurkeGlobal Fellow Wilson Center; Founder and President of Ecospherics

Return to the full in-person programme.