Spotlight session: Climate for Peace
When: 6 October 2023 | 10:20-11:00
Format: Spotlight session
Venue: Plenary session (Weltsaal)
Launched during BCSC 2022, the Climate for Peace Initiative helps create synergies and facilitate exchange by coordinating resources and needs of committed countries in the field of climate, environment, peace and security. The discussion and implementation of concrete projects is central to the initiative, giving participating countries space to exchange experiences, present and discuss project ideas, make needs clear, support each other financially and match the supply and demand for implementing projects.
During this spotlight session, C4P member countries came together to identify learnings from shared experiences and good practices that can be scaled up, as well as what should not be replicated. Panellists took stock of how projects they are implementing are advancing and accelerating the C4P seven-point agenda for action and how these priorities are being realised in different contexts.
Speakers and projects:
- Mana Farooghi, Foreign, Commonweath and Development Office (United Kingdom) | Justice and Stability in the Sahel
- Petra Kezman, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (Slovenia) | Water, Peace and Security Partnership with Sudan
- Aurélie Rime, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (Switzlerland) | Programme to Strengthen the Resilience of Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Households to Climate Crises and Insecurity in Burkina Faso
- Mohamed Hassan Ismail, Interpeace Kenya | Strengthening Local Resilience for Sustainable Peace in Devolved Kenya
- Kate Guy, U.S. Department of State | President's Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE)
Moderated by Christina Wegelein, Head of Climate and Security Division, German Federal Foreign Office
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