Setting the stage: Climate solutions for fragile and vulnerable contexts
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Setting the stage: Climate solutions for fragile and vulnerable contexts

When: 6 October 2023 | 09:30-10:20

Format: Keynote conversation

Venue: Plenary session (Weltsaal)

In 2023, deliberation on priorities for urgent action to adapt to and mitigate climate change induced challenges has taken center stage at conferences including COP27, BCSC-Nairobi and high-level sessions at the Africa Climate Summit and UNGA78. This keynote conversation built upon these discussions, exploring climate solutions for vulnerable and fragile contexts with the aim to help build resilience in climate-vulnerable countries and ensure climate solutions are conflict-sensitive in the lead up to COP28 and beyond.

The session took stock of initiatives launched in the past year including the Climate for Peace Initiative and the Bridgetown Initiative and addressed inequalities, institutional barriers in accessing the necessary finance to alleviate climate-related security risks, debt relief, multilateral development bank reform, loss and damage, ideas for new funding mechanisms – solutions that meet the needs of communities most impacted by climate change.

During this conversation, panelists identified potential pathways for improvement and pragmatic solutions to break down structural barriers to implement climate solutions. In anticipation of pacts and pledges expected at COP28, speakers outlined ways to mobilise climate funding to bridge the gap between needed and accessible climate funding for vulnerable and conflict affected contexts.


Moderated by Janani Vivekananda, Head of Programme Climate Diplomacy and Security adelphi

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