BCSC in the media
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Thank you to all of the members of the press and journalists who have attended BCSC throughout the years -and thank you to our participants who have continued the conversation through blog posts, articles and on social media. 

BCSC 2023

To view key takeaways, insights and lessons learnt from participants and partners, follow the hashtag #BCSC2023

BCSC-Nairobi 2023

To rewatch the BCSC-Nairobi 2023 sessions click here.

To view key takeaways, insights and lessons learnt from participants and partners, follow the hashtag #BCSCNairobi

BCSC 2022

To rewatch the BCSC 2022 sessions, click here.

in English 

auf Deutsch 

To view key takeaways, insights and lessons learnt from participants and partners, follow the hashtag #BCSC2022 on Twitter and @ClimateDiplo for more news on climate foreign policy.