Amb. Khadija Mohamed Al-Makhzoumi assumed office as the Minister of Environment and Climate Change on August 9, 2022. With her extensive diplomatic experience, she holds the responsibility of developing and implementing environmental policies, strategies, laws, and regulations in Somalia. Prior to her current position, she served as Somalia’s Ambassador to Iraq and later as the Ambassador of Somalia to Pakistan. Throughout her diplomatic career, she has held various prominent positions, including political advisor to the Arab League and senior political advisor to the Somali Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She holds a Bachelor of Business Management from Southampton University in the United Kingdom, and a Master of Business Administration from Anglia Ruskin University, also in the United Kingdom. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD in Peace, Governance, and Development with a specialization in Climate Diplomacy from the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica.
This bio was taken from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Somalia website, where a longer version of Amb. Khadija Mohamed Al-Makhzoumi's bio can be found.
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