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BCSC-Nairobi 2023 Speakers
Amb Groth
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Sebastian Groth is the German Ambassador to the Republic of Kenya, the Federal Republic of Somalia, the Republic of Seychelles, and to UNEP and UN-HABITAT.

Prior to this, he has been the First Secretary at the German Embassy in Nairobi, working on Somalia, South Sudan and Burundi and the desk officer of the Policy Planning Staff of the German Federal Foreign Office, working on energy and climate policy and on global economic affairs. From 2010 to 2014, he was the Adviser for Foreign Policy and French-German relations in the Cabinets of the French Prime Ministers François Fillon, Jean-Marc Ayrault et Manuel Valls at the German Embassy in Paris. From 2014 to 2016, he has worked as the Head of the State Secretaries’ Office at the German Federal Foreign Office, as Deputy Director for Policy Planning at the German Federal Foreign Office (2016 - 2019), as Director for Policy Planning at the German Federal Foreign Office (2019 - 2022).