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Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2024
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8 October | in-person and livestreamed
BCSC 2024 in numbers
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Speakers from around the world
Of speakers were women
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BCSC 2024 at a glance

Read the conference summary here. Session recordings can be found in the session descriptions, in the sessions overview and on YouTube.

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The sixth edition of BCSC explored how to secure a climate for peace. The conference examined why climate must be integrated into the entire conflict cycle. Through taking stock of best practice examples, it further advanced concrete climate security approaches and initiatives. 

Who: High-level political actors, climate security experts, international organisations and practitioners. View the participants list here.

What: Since its inaugural edition in 2019, the annual Berlin Climate and Security Conference (BCSC) has become the global forum connecting governments, international organisations, experts, and practitioners working to promote interlinkages between different approaches within the climate and security agenda whilst also critically interrogating complex new challenges.

Agenda: View the agenda by clicking here.

When: 8 October 2024; Official side events took place on 7 and 9 October.

Where: German Federal Foreign Office and livestreamed; Side events took place at different locations in Berlin.

Why: To promote, coordinate and advance concrete climate security approaches and initiatives to drive action and implementation efforts.

Annalena Baerbock speaking on stage
The climate crisis is the biggest security policy challenge of our times
Annalena Baerbock
Position (subline)
German Foreign Minister
Janani Vivekananda
The intersection of climate change, peace and security presents us with challenges but also opportunities and a chance to rethink our approaches.
Janani Vivekananda
Position (subline)
Head of Programme Climate Diplomacy and Security, adelphi

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Organised by


The German Federal Foreign Office

The German Federal Foreign Office has been working on climate diplomacy for many years, supporting the integration of climate-related security risks into its bilateral and multilateral diplomacy. Under the German UNSC presidency in 2011, the UN Security Council adopted its first statement acknowledging the risks of climate change for international peace and security. On 1 August 2018, Germany, together with the Pacific state Nauru, officially established the Group of Friends on Climate and Security in the United Nations.


adelphi global

adelphi global is a young, dynamic organisation dedicated to promoting sustainability. The adelphi global team is committed to a just transition and a liveable, future-proof society. Founded in 2023 in Berlin as a subsidiary of adelphi research, this non-profit and independent company operates worldwide in the fields of environmental protection, development cooperation, and international collaboration. Through its initiatives and projects, adelphi global makes a significant contribution to climate and resource protection, socially equitable development, and conflict prevention. Thanks to the 23 years of experience and expertise of adelphi research, adelphi global plays a crucial role in translating research findings into practice, thereby effecting sustainable change at societal and political levels.


Climate Diplomacy

The Climate Diplomacy initiative, a project by adelphi supported by the German Federal Foreign Office, explores the foreign policy dimension of climate change and climate policy, including different regional and thematic approaches to it. Its website also provides arguments for enhanced international cooperation and diplomatic engagement for climate in multi- and bilateral fora.

The Climate Diplomacy project includes support for bringing the topic of addressing climate fragility risks into different international fora. Despite the increasing salience of the topic of climate change and security, there is currently no single address to turn to for support and policy advice.